Sunday, March 22, 2015

Start a conversation with God!

One of the most wonderful things about knowing God through Jesus Christ is that you will find that He is a very practical God.  He cares about all the little things in your life and He is concerned when you are concerned and that you are concerned.  Do not think that He is off into the distance somewhere not caring about YOU!  That is a lie!  Know and believe that He is always right there with you all the time.  Many times it's just a matter of saying "hi Jesus" and acknowledging that you know He is there.  That's right!  Start a conversation with Him.  It's call praise and prayer! 

Prayer for you!  Dear God please touch all these that might have stopped by and read this very short thing about YOU and them!  Touch and let them know you are there and answer any cry of their heart and prayer.  Thank you Lord!  In Jesus Name!  Amen!